How our food composters work

As the imperative to enhance sustainability within businesses gains momentum, emerging technologies offer avenues for positive planetary impact and cost savings. GS-Food Waste Digesters stand as a tangible contribution to this endeavor.

For those contending with the challenge of food waste and compostable packaging, food composters might hold the key solution yet to be explored. Leveraging natural microbial processes, a food digester facilitates the decomposition of food waste. Through complete aerobic digestion, food waste is transformed into carbon dioxide and water within an oxygen-rich environment, all in a relatively short timeframe. Our food composters aim to replicate this procedure, converting food waste into liquid effluent that can be introduced into existing sewer systems or retained for potential use as irrigation or fertilizer within the vicinity of the core facility.

This process is governed by universal principles applicable to all living species, including humans. In fact, commercial aerobic digestion technology is sometimes referred to as a “mechanical stomach” due to its close resemblance to the human digestive process.

The digestion of food waste offers a practical means of managing organic waste at its source. Opting to process your food waste (and subsequently, several compostable packaging material waste on-site) can effectively address major challenges associated with food waste management, notably reducing the need for waste transportation to landfills.

Microorganisms adeptly facilitate the breakdown of organic waste, and this degradation transpires notably faster within our machines compared to traditional landfill breakdown, which carries adverse environmental implications.

Existing system for food waste processing.

treatment food waste existing methode

Food waste processing with our machines.

food waste processing with our digesters

food composters started 70 years ago

Since the early 1950s, researchers have been studying aerobic digestion, and since the 1980s, many sewage treatment plants have used a combination of aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Modern food composters are now an accessible, sustainable, and a cost-effective solution for organic food waste disposal., Many facilities in the hospitality industry, have already discovered aerobic digestion, thanks to advances in research and technology over the last few decades.

Aerobic digestion should not be conflated with anaerobic digestion. While resembling aerobic digestion in some aspects, anaerobic digestion operates without the need for oxygen, resulting in slower and less efficient decomposition. Additionally, anaerobic digestion generates methane, a detrimental greenhouse gas, and hydrogen sulfide, commonly known as “rotten egg gas.” Food waste digesters employ aerobic digestion to address food waste challenges.

Our technology directly addresses several pressing environmental concerns:

  1. Reduced CO2 Emissions from Garbage Trucks:
    Traditional food waste disposal methods heavily rely on frequent collections by garbage trucks, resulting in substantial CO2 emissions. By eliminating the need for these polluting vehicles, our approach significantly reduces carbon footprint.
  2. Mitigation of Methane Emissions from Landfills:
    Food waste deposited in landfills generates substantial methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. By diverting food waste from landfills, our technology plays a crucial role in reducing methane emissions and combating climate change.
  3. Elimination of Unsanitary Waste Containers:
    Conventional green containers used for food waste storage often pose hygiene concerns, emitting foul odors and attracting pests. Our solution provides a cleaner, odor-free, and environmentally friendly alternative, ensuring a more pleasant waste disposal experience.

composting machine - GS-food waste digesters - compostmachine - digesters - composteermachines - compost machines composteer machines

Decomposition time

Our food composters can be used 24/7. Food waste can be added during the day. This prevents overloading the food digester when all the food waste from one day is added all at once. There are a lot of reasons why one food waste type digests more rapidly than another one. Most of the food waste will digest within 24 hours.

For compostable packaging, our trials suggest that there is also a big difference in composting time. When the material is thicker and larger, it will most likely take longer to digest. Other plant-based packaging materials fall apart when they come in contact with water and make it possible to digest quickly in our composting machines

The Benefits of our food composter

Our machine can compost potato starch products

Compost papar and sugarcane pulp compostable packaging

No harmfull micro plastics in greywater

Breaks down the fat in food waste

Reduces or eliminates trash disposal

Reduce frequency and size of collection

Deep technical and operational experience

Waste does not go to a landfill (no methane)

Reduces carbon footprint

Free of odors

Quiet operation

Eliminate flies, rodents, and smells

Breaking Barriers in Food Waste Management
Unlike traditional food waste composting machines, Our machine doesn’t yield compost as a final product. This unique approach eliminates the need for additional waste management, reducing workload and hassle. Our tailored food composter is designed to handle not only solid food waste, but also liquid products like soups and sauces. Through our enzymatic process, we break down these food products into smaller, manageable components, a feat unmatched by any other liquid food digester in the market.

Optimized Capacity for Peak Seasons
We understand the importance of having enough food waste capacity, especially during busy periods like holidays. Providing the right sized digester machine is essential to offering reliability even during the busiest times of the year. It’s important to note that different types of food waste decompose at varying rates. Foods like dense-fiber vegetables and chicken bones require more time for breakdown. To better serve your unique needs, we require insights into your daily waste generation volume and types, particularly during peak periods.

Unveiling the Process
The GS-Food Waste Digesters expertise lies in its ability to break down food waste fast and efficiently through enzymatic aerobic digestion. This process harnesses the power of our special enzymes mixes in combination with our machine and a monitored process to transform complex organic compounds into simpler components.

Enzymes, the catalysts of the natural world, take center stage in this process. Our unique enzyme mixes are specially developed for the food waste composting machine, and target specific organic molecules in the food waste, initiating their breakdown. Proteases tackle proteins, lipases address fats, etcetera. As a result, large, complex molecules are transformed into smaller, more manageable fragments.

Our food composters

Our food compostes operate 24/7 with no odor or noise. They significantly reduce the cost to dispose of and manage waste food and eliminate smells, mess, and pests from your trash bins. By installing the BMD Food Digester, you are reducing the amount of space and energy needed to remove the unwanted food scraps from your facility. It puts collecting, transporting, or piling up food waste in a landfill.

At the same time, it will reduce your costs, and give your organization on-site control over a large portion of the total waste stream.